
Turin marathon award ceremony 23 Feb 2013

On Saturday, February 23, 2013, at the GM Drum School headquarters in Turin, the Turin Marathon Bacterial Ceremony was held where GM Drum School awarded the Executives of the Turin Marathon for its support to the bacterial community through the events they organize that involve our instrument.
The plaque was handed over on behalf of GM Drum School to the head of Stratorino Mr Alessandro Bianchi and Mr Marco Ronco, Commercial Director Turin Marathon by Mr Sergio Bellotti, "We are deeply grateful to all the drummers who in the last three years they kept the time and given the charge to our marathon runners, We are proud to have contributed to the dissemination of the importance of this magnificent instrument, and it would be interesting if it was exported to other international marathons." says Mr Bianchi.
The ball was passed to Mr Bellotti who as a lecturer Berklee resides in Boston, the City that launched the Marathon just a few years before that of Turin.
It would be nice if an Italian idea would cross the ocean and become international in the home of the battery, America.
The drummers participating in the Turin Marathon Batteristica were also awarded with a special Commendio by the President Turin Marathon, Mr Luigi Chiabrera.
In addition to the executives of Turin Marathon and GM Drum School mr Elisa Pilotti of the Drum Club of Genoa, there were also executives from Turin Marathon and GM Drum School mr Elisa Pilotti of the Drum Club of Genoa, Mr Carlo Cannarozzo, GM Pinerolo, Mr Gianpaolo Petrini of Collegno's Professional Drum, Mr Luciano Beccia representative of Giorgio Gandino's perc Studio, Paolo Bonnet representative of the Academy of Modern Music of Franco Rossi/Furio Chirico, Mr Efisio Murgia, represented Mr Gianluca Fuiano of Ars Nova of Nichelino.
GM Drum School will repeat the experience to a reduced extent with the "All Straight" that will take place in Turin on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 March 2013.
You run to the rhythm of the batteries!
Here are some photos of the event

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